Little Red Book: Prepositions

by Terry O’Brien

  1. ISBN: 978-8129118493
  2. Pages: 200 pages
  3. Date: 1 July 2011


A Preposition is a word which shows relationship among other words in the sentence. The relationships include direction, place time, cause, manner and amount. A preposition comes before a noun or pronoun. A preposition phrase contains a preposition and object. Prepositional phrases are like idioms and are best learned through listening to and reading as much as possible, Little Red Book of Prepositions is a ready reference book with a check list of propositions.


Terry O’Brien is an academician by vocation and a passionate quiz enthusiast by avocation. His leit-motif is the igniting of quizzing instinct and an aptitude to develop the 3rs of learning – Read. Record. Recall. He is a Trainers Trainer and a motivational speaker. He has written several books. His flair for writing and speaking come naturally to him.